The Relief

First day today at U-CrAc and it’s quite a challenge because we are so many different professions involved. Some are very used to design processes and doing very abstract work in the beginning of the process, others are more used to having to provide feasible solutions within budget and closely relating to existing problems.

It seems our case deals with voids. Or maybe rather a relief – things that stand out on a background which can seem like a blur. We need to carve away the bits that are not essential and deal with many influencing forces – groups and their interests, conflicting levels of engagement and maybe there is an irony in the task – that to the untrained eye, the area we are going to promote is barely noticable, and the biodiversity of the area is very low – but very distinct – if you know what you are looking for. Which no one seems to do, so we have to make them some glasses, provide a filter.

We have been asked to do an app but it seems the main communication need is to create this relief function as well as provide a medium which is flexible enough to buffer around changes in the business landscape that we need to somehow promote on the background of this nature area.

Maybe the idea of a relief will last for a few hours – it’s helping me think about the problem anyway. See what the rest of my group say tomorrow. It’s certainly an interesting project.

I need to see if I can get them to explain how they think abstract thoughts, though, as they seem to think I am too concrete thinking. I’d like to understand where they stand – if they can verbalise it.

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